Is merchant navy is a good carriers option in the current time2020

Is merchant navy is a good carriers option in the current time -by seaman help desk Hii friends, If sailing is your passion then certainly go for it. But if you're going there for money and luxuries life then brother you r going to commit suicide, now days rules and regulations are strict forget about watching world, you want to be touching earth for month and money. I have here lot of experience the salaries has reducing and expanse have increased tremendously, everything is expensive you want able to be rich you are going to be middle class boy only. (bcoz of that here too many agent who doing cheating with new coming candidate open cdc person bcoz of that they don't have proper knowledge about this field. They make easily fool by basters agent, and they didn't gave him plasment and their hard earned money also gone. New coming candidate open cdc or other they have been mentally harassment by family and other people. They again want to do stan...