Floor man job duties and responsibilities at oil and gas rig by seaman help desk

Floorman job eligibility and work duties In this article you will know about floorman work duties and responsibilities. Don't delay let's go 1. Follow company and HSE policy and procedures. 2. Follow the rig manager and toolpusher order 3. Handles tubular and drilling tools using rig floor equipment (air,winch,power,tong etc) 4. Pickup/ lay down drill pipes drill collars,tubing casing and other BHA 5. CLEAN AND MAINTENANCE THE DRILLING EQUIPMENT AND KEEPS THE DRILLING AREA CLEAR. 6. Performs general maintenance duties to ensure the function ability and and safety of the equipment. 7. Works with casing cementing loging and directional drilling crews in performing specialized work related down hole opretion. 8. Assists the driller in rigging up and rigging down the third party equipment ( wireling , cementing, casing etc.) 9. Works at the Derrick when needed. 10. Setup maintenance disassemble the transport rig floor equipment. 11. Moves and maintenance drill stem ( drill pipes ...