What is open CDC and how many days sailing required for apply watchkeeping on open cdc

WHAT IS OPEN CDC AND HOW MANY MONTHS SAILING REQUIRED TO TAKE WATCHKEEPING ON OPEN CDC Every Seafarers confuse in this matter that's what's open CDC and how we can become captain, if we are open CDC holder, and how many days experience need to take indian watchkeeping etc. These type questions comes every open CDC holder candidate and other fresher who want to join Merchant Navy with open CDC. Don't worry today we will clear your all doubt about this topic ... INDIAN PASSPORT IMAGE 1.Questions first what's is open CDC If your Qualifications is minimum 10 th pass and having indian passport then you can't take it easily. Just search a Marine institute who is located nearby your location ( suppose that if you're from Uttar Pradesh West part then delhi is nearby locations for you and in Delhi Sri Ram marine institute is good and Dg approved verify and trusted Institute ) Note:- Always Go in Dg approved Institute Go in institute and take admission for stc...