Pirates attack on a container vessel 15 kidnapped and crew members killed . maritime news

Gulf Of Guinea emerging Pirates safe heaven. One killed and 15 seafarers kidnapped in pirate attack on container ship in the Gulf of Guinea. On Saturday morning, a boxship was reportedly boarded by pirates and its citadel breached at a position off Sao Tome, according to security consultancy Praesidium International. Praesidium reports that at about 0530 hours on Saturday morning, the Turkish-operated container ship Mozart was transiting about 95 nm to the northwest of Sao Tome when she was boarded by four armed assailants. The crew retreated to the vessel's citadel, but the pirates managed to breach it. 15 crewmembers were kidnapped and one was killed in the altercation, vessel operator Boden Maritime confirmed in a statement. The victim has been identified as engineer Farman Ismayilov, an Azerbaijani national. Crewmembers and security sources told Reuters that the attack was well-coordinated and sophisticated, and the assailants may have used explosives to breach the...