
Showing posts from March, 2021

Which cource is most demanding in oil rigs industry' petroleum engineering

What degree is best for oil industry? Key Takeaways. Petroleum engineering is a degree that's highly sought by oil companies, as these grads typically have solid backgrounds in both math and science. The oil industry is also hiring chemical engineers, geologists, and mechanical engineers. There are too many cources available but we will talk on most demanding.. Many petroleum engineers collaborate with geoscientists and other engineers to make sense of the geologic formations of rock that contain oil and gas. They are experts in designing drilling equipment, drilling methods, operations, and drilling plans.5ο»Ώ Aspiring petroleum engineers should have high proficiency in math, such as algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. The sciencesβ€”biology, chemistry, and physicsβ€”are equally important. Petroleum Geology Petroleum geologists determine where to drill for oil by studying the structure of rocks and minerals located beneath the surface of the Earth.7ο»Ώ This degree gained more demand rece...

Top 10 highest paying jobs in India after 12 th class

Top 10 highest paying jobs in india, Highest paying jobs after 12 th in india.   1. Merchant Navy Merchant Navy is a very demanding profession and accordingly compensated well on the monetary front. The payment is an attractive factor for joining the merchant navy. However, the entry-level positions are paid more or less as the ground staff, but as you gain on experience, the compensation is rewarding. While opting for Merchant Navy as a profession, one has to ensure the physical & health factors as well as be mentally prepared to stay on-board for 6-9 months at a stretch. One needs to take into account that it is just the deep blue sea and arduous tasks that will be your company. So that also makes one of the Highest Paying Jobs in India. The compensation is tax-free, and this is the most attractive feature of this job. Positions like a cadet, radio officers, chief engineer, chef, radio officers, etc. can be opted-in his profession.   Qualification Required: The education...

Dg Shipping and mmd all important contact numbers for Seafarers help

Important contact number and emails --------------------------------------------------------- Here is the list of most important contact numbers of Merchant Navy industry ( shipping industry) these contact will help of Seafarers in any case.  Let's we will discuss in detail about contact numbers...... 1) Directorate General of Shipping (DG) Mumbai:- πŸ“ž ☎️ : 91-22-25752040. /41/42/43/44/45 Email:- 2) MMD MUMBAI:- ☎️ πŸ“ž: 91-22-22039881 Email:- Any documents and exam related query for deck and engine :- 3) Deck side complaint id: - Engine side compalint id:- 4) It Cell Mumbai MMD:- 5) Principal Officer (PO) Mumbai :- Capt. K. P. Jayakumar, Principal Officer Email id:-  β˜ŽοΈπŸ“ž:-22076881 Personal Assistant To PO Email id:-  β˜ŽοΈπŸ“ž:- 22076881 6) MMD Noida :- β˜ŽοΈπŸ“ž:- 0120-2420742  Email id :- 7) MMD Noi...

Top 12 highest paying jobs in India 2021

  Top 12 Highest Paying Jobs in India in 2021 The best-paid jobs in today’s market are often the ones that are aiding the digital economy. Traditionally best-paying jobs like doctors, Chartered Accountants, Merchant Navy is still in demand, however, newer roles such as business analysts, cybersecurity professionals are also grabbing the best salaries in the market today. Salaries for each of these roles not only depend on the educational background and professional experience, but also on how well you are equipped with the latest technology in each of these fields.  We have compiled a report about the study on the highest paying jobs in India. It also gives an insight into the minds of young early professionals, what they think about various career prospects, what Salary projections they have in mind for the coming year 2021, and much more. We have listed down the roles which have been in demand despite the recession in our market today. Go through this list to understand the ...

What is the benefits of Nusi membership card and canteen card, how we can apply for nUsi membership card

Benefits of Nusi membership.You should know before apply. nUsi members  (1)...NUSI scholarship for childrens academic year already started.if any one regular nusi member pl proceed.Lkg to 12 th standard. RS 4000 .                      (2) Art & Science College boys for every year will be given RS15000 and for girls the amt will be RS18000..                   (3) Similarly for medical/ engineering boys for every year will be given RS30000 and for girls the amt will be RS 45000.                          (4) Seafarers wife if studying NUSI will provide RS18000. (5) Seafarers son if studying Gp rating , cadet & Gme Rs 50000 per year.  (6) Nusi started computer centre at nusi office ground of cost ..if any one wants to use can profile registration.,update.any thing. Mumbai only. (7...